

About us

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About Company

A-Dart Express is a quickest developing completely incorporated start to finish operations arrangements supplier, serving clients the nation over.

We are an innovation based organisation which guarantees that we won't permit any package to be lost and state of the art innovation to reliably give unrivalled conveyance times and dependability to our clients. A Bit nearer to a misfortune free business. A-Dart is taking care of a genuine and basic issue of the strategic business. We utilise key innovation, assets and qualities.
A-Dart is glad to have an optimistic outlook upheld by 10 years of involvement.

We have constructed our standing on solid and brief administrations, by working 24×7 round the year. We at present handle 3PL, 4PL, Satisfaction and House to house Pickup and Conveyance Administration of shipments in different areas the nation over.

A-Dart Express is a solitary hotspot for production network enhancement. Our essential methodology assists us with drawing in clients, fortifying execution, and accomplish hierarchical objectives.
We vow to blow away all that to convey your items and possessions as your fulfillment is vital to us.

Our history

Years of Journey


The momentous excursion was begun in April 2012 as a little firm with 1 office and single staff.

The Originators have seen so many high points and low points and worked with 3 joint endeavours and very nearly 11 brands. Originators Gone through surprising misfortunes and conditions so often yet upheld with new procedures and mind boggling mental fortitude and assurance. Regardless of such countless challenges, the organisers stayed with the alive as well as made it one stride ahead after each disappointment.

The organisation began the help of FTL in 2016 with a tiny scope and in spite of having such countless rivals in the market made an alternate situation in this industry extremely quick. By 2017 the organisation had laid out its workplaces in all metro urban communities and was working with in excess of 100 truck proprietors.

In 2019 the organisation had a spot on the lookout and enlisted with the name ADE Messenger AND Freight Administrations PVT. LTD. With a Brand-Named A-Dart Express. Since its origin, we have begun the part load administrations. We have fabricated a cross country network with little tie ups in each state with 714 areas covered, serving over 3600+ pin codes. our group has effectively conveyed more than 30 million shipments across India.

The organisation has begun warehousing and satisfaction administrations in September 2021 and presently have 13 stockrooms across India and in excess of 43 clients with 96000 S.ft committed distribution centre space.

team members

Creative Team

our team

Deepak Duhan

Co-founder , CEO


Co-founder , COO